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Rex: Color Tokens for accessibility-oriented rebranding | by Lea Seibel | The AB Tasty Tech & Product Blog | Sep, 2024 | Medium

If we ask Antoine Berthaud, Product Manager on the PX team, he’ll tell us quite simply: “It was painful”. Morgane Ruaud, Lead Product Designer, on the other hand, remembers how she felt at the idea…

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Snap announces “Simple Snapchat” redesign to compete with TikTok - The Verge

CEO Evan Spiegel says the new “Simple Snapchat” is designed to “bring Stories closer to conversations” and simplify “content discovery.”

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Create custom visual effects with SwiftUI - WWDC24 - Videos - Apple Developer

Discover how to create stunning visual effects in SwiftUI. Learn to build unique scroll effects, rich color treatments, and custom...

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Why our startup died? And how not to reproduce it. | by Romain Penchenat | Sep, 2024 | Medium

Owledge, a crazy fast universal search engine for the cloud era . Notion, slack, gdrive, miro and more in a single space. Story, lessons, and learnings.

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