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The End Of The Free Tier — Smashing Magazine

Free-tier pricing is a common marketing strategy. “Free” gets people in the door and allows them to settle in and see how things work. But, as Juan Diego Rodriguez explains, the practice of free *tiers* is often conf...

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How do you accidentally run for President of Iceland? | by Anna Andersen | Apr, 2024 | UX Collective

To run for President of Iceland, you need to be an Icelandic citizen, at least 35 years old, and have 1,500 endorsements. For the first time in Icelandic history, this endorsement process is digital…

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TikTok will stop paying people to watch videos every day - The Verge

TikTok Lite launched in two European countries earlier this month, but now it’s putting the brakes on a controversial feature that rewards user engagement.

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A New Era for Mixed Reality | Blog Meta Quest | Meta Store

Today we’re taking the next step toward our vision for a more open computing platform for the metaverse. We’re opening up the operating system powering our Meta Quest devices to third-party hardware makers, giving mo...

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